desktop backgrounds

If you like Dr. Block’s books, you might want to add one of these cool images as your desktop background. Dr. Block will be adding more images soon. If you’d like to see a particular character or scene that isn’t below, send Dr. Block an email:

blond haired villager with sword wandering through a village. The words Diary of a Surfer Villager appear in left corner. in right corner is image of author dr. block and his name

Jimmy Slade

Winston the wandering trader

wandering trader carrying a sword walking through a forest village. The left side of the image says The Ballad of Winston the Wandering Trader. The right side of the image has a small portrait of Minecraft author Dr. Block and his name written there
a black and white tabby cat and an ocelot as they apear in Minecraft. These cats are named Oswald and Morningflower and have adventures in the Surfer Villager Series

oswald & morningflower